
Best Links
Here are some good links for an amusing
surfing: "Dergano§Surfers Top Sites"

<D§S on line>

Netsearch and Services
Alta Vista The best, the fastest, but sometimes gives "untidy" results
Lycos The best, after Alta Vista, less results but all usefull !
Virtual Tourist All Internet's servers sorted by geographical position, very interesting !
Excite It use the most famous netsearcher simultaneously and gives you a usefull resume
        Services on Line
anonymizer.com ... no one will know your identity !!!!
C|Net ... it's worthy of a visit !
The Invisible City a usefull italian net-service, one of the best 125 sites of the world !!!
SafeSurf Homepage Against censorship...
Digi Crime All most importants digital crimes.

ACDSee Best Image Viewer avaible on the Net!
Homesite Best Html Editor, easy web-maintenance with the realtime color coding !!!
WinZip Best Zipper (and not only zip, compress anf decompress Arj, Lha, Arc and spans disks !)
PowWow Everybody knows PowWow, the best way to chat with your friends!

Download !
Windows95 32bit Internet & Network Shareware.
The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software All most importants shareware softwares.
Garbo FTP Archive ......infinite......
Flah Net FTP / Files very, very fast !!!

Radio Deejay Chat ...The second home of all D§S !!!
Intercom Chat ...The third home of all D§S !!!
Video On Line Chat One of the best italian web chats!
D§S on line
Aga Bionic Bsaman Dimm
Doctor Mad Er Bussola Golem Hawk
Killiam Jocker Lambo Logan
Shotgun Shy Guy® Princi Tomah

The NASA Home Page
An infinite site, on a lot of servers, very complete archivies, all missions, past,
in progress and future, gigabyte of photos, updated every day...and much more
Welcome to the SETI Institute SETI means : Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence
SETI Module Home Page SETI Programm at Syracuse university
Astronomical pictures & animations Gigabytes of photos and movies about space
The Nine Planets Guide to our Solar System

Huppy Puppy Games Are you looking for tha last game's demo ? This is the right place !
The Games Machine
In alphabetic order ...
One of the two italian best videogames's magazines.
Zeta ...The other great italian videgames's magazine.

Anonima Fumetti Anonima fumetti : italian comic's association, a very big archivie !
Lo Sciacallo Elettronico The best italian On-line Comic's Magazine.
HAMMER The best italian science fiction comic-strip
Nathan Never A cool science fiction comic-strip
Martin Myster Martin Myster : "The Impossible's Detective".
Valentina Valentina ( a Crepax's comic-strip)
Milo Manara Milo Manara's Site......
Hugo Pratt Do you know Ugo Pratt ? (an italian author).

ftp.tcp.com The biggest and the best manga & anime's Archivie of all the Internet.
Zona Manga e Anime An interesting italian site on Manga.
David Gaxiola's Anime Resources and Info An interresting Manga's fanzine.
Yamato/Star Blazers Page! A very good StarBlazers Compendium.
The Macross Compendium All informations you can immagine !!!
The Macross Image Archivie The biggest Image's Macross Archivie ?
Macross Mecha Designs The only thing you can't find in this site are real Mechas.......
Harlock's Arcadia Do you remember Captain Harlock ?!
Urusei Yatsura (Lamù) Tons of photos of Urusey Yatsura (Lamù in italian version),
the space's girl.
Urusei Yatsura (Lamù) An other good Urusey Yatsura's Site. All the informatios about the TV series.

Dergano  Surfers

Copyright © 1996 - created by Tommaso Corà